June 26-28, 2024
Long Beach, CA

Collaborative Effort Updating the CSU QLT Evaluation Rubric Released in 2022

Effective Practices
All Audiences

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Session Info:

Learn about the collaborative effort to launch a revised evaluation tool designed to support exemplary practices for the design and delivery of online courses. The Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) rubric was originally developed in 2011 with minimal updates till the recent version released this past January. The collaborative effort included a 23-member committee across 12 institutions. A sequence for organizing the project, identification and incentivizing committee members, the timeline, and steps leading up to implementation and release of the updated rubric will be shared. Key topics discussed in the session will include major changes to the rubric, along with updates to the language to reflect “current” practices. Current issues in topics that were shown to have an impact on student learning were discussed and added in the updated rubric which include: diversity, equity, and inclusion “culturally responsive teaching practices.” Significant updates in the area of accessibility and universal design were also incorporated throughout the revised rubric. Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) elements which is a newer legal federal requirement are also aligned to the rubric. Since its release this past January, a model for collaborative discussions about the implementation of the revised rubric, practices to inform faculty about the changes, and the collaborative effort of training resources developed. We will also share the updated resources and websites created to support self and peer reviews of an online and hybrid course. Discussion about the similarities and differences between the QLT rubric and CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric and how they can support each other will be discussed with the audience.

Session Outcomes:

  • Access the updated Quality Learning Teaching Rubric and its supporting resources.
  • Identify similarities and differences between the QLT rubric and the CVC-OEI rubric.
  • Identify strategies for managing a multi-system project from beginning to implementation.
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