June 16-18, 2025
Long Beach, CA

Our Sponsors

If you’d like more information on becoming a sponsor, please visit our Be a Sponsor page.


Thank you to our OTC’24 Sponsors!


California Community College | California Virtual Campus written with yellow and blue logo to the left
INSTRUCTURE written in blue with blue, red, yellow, orange logo elements above it
Rumi written in blue


—— GOLD ——

Science Interactive - Digital Lessons. Hands-On Experiments written in green with logo to the upper left
Open Educational Resources Initiative, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges written in white on blue background with "o" then an image of a lock, then "r" on the left


—— Silver ——

cidilabs written in blue and green font with "C" logo to the left in blue


—— Bronze ——

Teaching Channel with Learners Edge written in black with a blue, orange, and red butterfly on the left ReadSpeaker in orange and blue lettering with logo to the right and pioneering voice technology underneath Honorlock written in black with a blue shield containing a blue check mark on left Pronto written in green with a comment bubble on left


Thanks to our Exhibitors!

DECT – Distance Education Captioning & Transcription (Palomar College)
Atomic Jolt
First Financial Credit Union
Harmonize Learning
3Play Media
Simple Syllabus
WeVideo, Inc. (PlayPosit by WeVideo)
MathType by Wiris



Special Thanks to our DECO Sponsors!

cidilabs written in blue and green font with "C" logo to the left in blue INSTRUCTURE written in blue with blue, red, yellow, orange logo elements above it CCC TechConnect logo California Community College | California Virtual Campus written with yellow and blue logo to the left


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