June 16-18, 2025
Long Beach, CA

Alternative Assessments with Active Class – Active Class Sponsor Showcase


Presented by: Dr. Amanda Rosenzweig, Delgado Community College

Speaker Bio:

Professor, Biology Department Director of Science Teacher Technology Training (ST3) Canvas Administrator/Canvas Trainer eProfessor, Distance Learning and Instructional Technology
Dr. Amanda Rosenzweig earned a Ph. D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of New Orleans in 2012, and has a M.S. in biology from the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Teaching at Delgado Community College (DCC) since 2003, she is a professor of biology and is the lead instructor for anatomy and physiology. In 2018, Dr. Rosenzweig was appointed as the college-wide biology department chair. Dr. Rosenzweig concurrently serves as the director of science teacher technology training at DCC. As the director, she oversees the development of STEM resources that promote active student learning through assisting K-12 educators with professional development workshops integrated with the Louisiana Student Science Standards (LSSS). Dr. Rosenzweig has immense contribution to the online learning community. Her current roles at DCC include Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) administrator and Canvas LMS training coordinator. Dr. Rosenzweig created and currently serves as the facilitator for Teach and Learn/eProfessor, a five-course series on course development and instructional design. The courses created are a repository of ideas, best practices, analyses, and other information that foster student success. She has served as an instructional designer on grants for course design and delivery, like HyFlex.

Session Info:

Alternative or authentic assessments help determine what students can and cannot do, not just what they know or do not know. They allow the student to meet us where they are and not where we expect them to be. With the pandemic forcing students and teachers to approach learning through a new lens, using unique assessments allows students to showcase their abilities, not just knowledge.

Session Outcomes:

  • An understanding of indicators of authenticity.
  • Ideas of how to integrate activities that ask students to “do” the subject.
  • An overview of the time and effort to develop and grade authentic assessments.

Session Resources:

Alternative AssessmentsActiveClass ROSENZWEIG

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