June 16-18, 2025
Long Beach, CA

Supporting Emerging Readers in the Online Classroom

All Audiences

Presented by: Kat King, Instructional Technologist; part-time English Instructor, Diablo Valley College

Speaker Bio:

Kat King is an Instructional Technologist at Diablo Valley College and part-time English instructor at Las Positas College. She works as a member of DVC’s DE, POCR, Student Center, Professional Development, and MarCom teams.

Session Info:

According to the US Dept. of Education, over 50% of adults read below a sixth-grade reading level. This is a serious equity (and economic!) issue – and college instructors are in a position to help. In this session, we’ll explore the data and learn strategies for supporting college-level reading in our courses through easy-to-implement tools like Immersive Reader. We’ll also cover strategies for teaching and assessing students in dynamic modalities that push beyond the text.

Session Outcomes:

  • Identify data related to and potential causes of our country’s low literacy rate.
  • Support emerging readers by leveraging simple tools within Canvas like Immersive Reader.
  • Identify methods of teaching and assessing students that don’t overly privilege students with the strongest reading abilities.

Session Resources:


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